The Annual Parochial Church Meeting & Electoral Roll

Full guidance to support you through arranging your APCM is in the Church Representation Rules, revised in 2022.  These Rules replace the 1969 edition, along with all subsequent amendments.

If this isn’t your first APCM season, and are looking for a refresher you may find these quick links useful.

Changes to the Church Representation Rules

At the Summer 2023 General Synod, changes to the Church Representation Rules governing annual meetings were approved. They are outlined in paragraphs 2-4 of the Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2023.

Preparation of Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll should be revised annually.  Every sixth year the preparation of new Church Electoral Rolls takes place, which means that everyone must re-apply to included on the Electoral Roll of their church. The next occasion for the preparation of new rolls is 2025.

Names do not need to be removed from the roll during the course of the year; this only happens during the annual revision.  Names can continue to be added to the Electoral Roll throughout the year.

These forms include privacy notices relating to the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR).

After completing the revision of an Electoral Roll, the PCC must publish the roll for at least 15 days before the APCM, and no more than 28 days.  Rolls may be published electronically or on paper. The roll as published must include every name entered but no other personal data such as addresses. 

Annual Meeting Forms

Forms to support the administration of an annual church meeting can be found below. Versions are provided in both Word and PDF format. You may find the Word documents easier to edit locally depending on which software you have available.

Rule M12A “Declaration as to disqualification”

Rule M12A was added to the Church Representation Rules (Part 9) in the 2023 amendment affecting those elected to a PCC and Deanery Synod. As this rule doesn’t relate to nominees/candidates, you can continue to use the nomination forms below for your annual elections making sure candidates are aware that should they be elected, they will be required to make a further declaration before acting, confirming that they are not disqualified.

These nomination forms contain a declaration for newly elected trustees, that they are not disqualified from holding office (as set out in the Church Representation Rules). However, all newly elected office holders must also confirm their eligibility to be a charity trustee by signing two declarations, being: (i) confirmation of trustee eligibility (i.e. non-disqualification under charity law); and (ii) a Fit and Proper Person declaration. The PCC Secretary should receive this confirmation from all PCC members, including those who are ex-officio. This can be done by using the Trustee Eligibility Declaration and HMRC Fit and Proper Persons Declaration available in Word. By signing the nomination declaration, a person is confirming they are able to sign these further declarations.

Last updated

19/04/2024 by The Parish Resources Team: Update on using nomination forms in relation to rule M12A
27/03/2024 by The Parish Resources Team: Added new Annual Meetings Overview and Checklist PDF
26/03/2024 by The Parish Resources Team: Updated “Notice of APCM” Form M1
14/03/2024 by The Parish Resources Team: Adjustment to layout to for accessibility