A Simple Giving Programme for Smaller Churches

The giving programme offered here is particularly designed for smaller or rural/village churches. In these churches, a greater percentage of the community are likely to be committed to the church than in other contexts. This programme encourages the church to consider whether it should approach the fringe/wider community, and also whether to hold a presentation event to communicate the financial needs of the parish. However, unless you have a clearly defined and supportive community,  you are likely to find trying to approach the wider community less successful.

1. Download the Guide

First download the Simple Giving Programme Guide (pdf), to gain an overview of what you will need to do. Then there are a number of downloadable templates and examples below to make your job easier.

2. Use the Supporting Resources….

Preparing to run your programme

Running the launch event

Prayer and Teaching Resources

The pack

A brochure template (Word)

Examples of brochures: A4 folded 1, A4 folded 2, A4 folded 3A5 leaflet (all pdfs)

Forms for setting up a Standing Order and Gift Aid Declaration (Word)


A template ‘Thank You’ letter (in Word)