Why Every Christian Should Have a Will

We are God’s stewards, entrusted to use His gifts for the good of our family and our church family. In thanksgiving, we should also take will writing seriously – setting your affairs in order, and stewarding them wisely to the end of our time on earth and beyond.

For nearly 500 years the Church of England has encouraged its members to keep their wills up to date. The Book of Common Prayer instructs clergy to remind those who are sick:

“Let him be admonished to make his will…for the better discharging of his conscience and the quietness of his Executors. But men should often be put in remembrance to take order for the settling of their temporal estates, whilst they are in health.”

Every year thousands of people die without leaving a will. Making a will and updating it regularly is the only way to make sure your wishes are carried out after your death, giving you peace of mind that you can continue to support the family, friends and causes you love.

Will Writing A6 Booklet

Everyone knows it’s a good idea, but for many of us it’s one of those things we never quite get around to doing, and there’s always a reason for putting it off. To help motivate Christians, we’ve created a small and succinct A6 leaflet for parishes to use as part of a wider legacy campaign, or with Baptism and Marriage couples. Click here to view a PDF and download

Free Will Writing and Discount Writing Schemes

Wills are legal documents, and as small errors can cause big problems, it’s vital to have someone legally qualified draft it for you. A standard Will costs around £200 + VAT and the Solicitor should outline the cost upfront before you visit them.

There are however a number of  low cost solicitor wills as well as individual and charity based schemes available. Click here to view our guidance document on Free Will Writing and Discount Writing Schemes

Seeking Professional Advice

We strongly advise individuals to seek professional advice and to see a solicitor when making or revising their Will. The Law Society provide a database of solicitors authorised to practise by the SRA. Using their postcode search function, you can view a list of all local Solicitors. Click here to find out more

Some Parishes approach local Solicitor Firms and invite representatives to speak to their congregation about the importance of making a will. Many Solicitors are happy to attend as it provides an opportunity for Solicitors to meet new potential clients.

Solicitor’s Guide: Leaving a Legacy to the Church  

The Church of England itself has a complex set of legal entities, and we frequently receive questions from solicitors asking for guidance. In response we have created a short booklet to provide further information and guidance; which you can make available to local solicitors. Click here to view our Solicitors Guide