General Synod’s Resolution

General Synod debated two reports on Giving for Life at the July 2009 Synod in York. As well as an overview of giving across the Church (GS1723), Synod also received a draft of the parish guide, which was amended following the debate. The reports received by Synod are available for download by clicking on the image of the report in the right hand bar.

General Synod carried the following motion :

‘That this Synod, affirming that God gives abundant gifts to us as individuals and as a Church, and that we are stewards of all that God has given us:

(a) encourage church members (including children and young people) to live generously as disciples of Jesus Christ, joyfully giving time, skills, money and other resources to God’s mission in the world, in times of economic stringency as well as of plenty, in response to the lavish generosity of God to us in Christ who made Himself poor that we might become rich;

(b) reconfirm its challenge to church members to assess annually their financial giving as a proportion of income and to adopt as an initial target the giving of 5% of their after tax income to and through the church, and a similar amount to other work that helps to build God’s kingdom; and

(c) commend the Giving for Life guide (GS 1723a) to parishes and dioceses/deaneries for prayerful discussion and action.’

 GS1723 ‘Giving for Life’   Giving for Life PCC Guide