A Parish Funding Programme

The principal purpose of ‘The Parish Funding Programme’ is to generate sufficient Planned Giving to enable Parishes to fund their continuing mission and future plans.

The programme has, at its heart, the discernment and communication of God’s vision and purpose for the Parish, together with any planned initiatives. This forms the basis for assessing future funding needs and the required increase in planned giving.Grateful thanks are acknowledged to the Diocese of Guildford, and to Tony Hennessey-Brown who developed this package.


To find out more click here to view our Introductory Leaflet to the Parish Funding Programme


1. Download the Guide

First download A Parish Funding Programme (PDF) to gain an overview of what you will need to do. Then there are a number of downloadable templates and examples below to

Click here to download PFP Full Pack word

2. Use the Supporting Resources….

Preparing to run your Programme

Running the Launch Event

Follow Up after the Launch Event